Outer Hebrides Biological Recording  Outer Hebrides Biological Recording

Outer Hebrides Species Information Network


The Outer Hebrides Fauna website covers all the vertebrate species and some of the invertebrate species recorded in the islands.
This is oldest species website in the hub and is awaiting revision to increase the coverage of the invertebrate taxa.

Frog Rana temporaria
Vertebrates: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians & Fish

The vertebrate fauna, is small with a relatively small number of species of mammals, amphibians, reptiles and freshwater fish but includes some important marine species.

The bird populations, resident and migratory, are important and well recorded. All bird records received by OHBR are forwarded to the county recorder. If you are interested in birds, the Outer Hebrides Birds website provides information on the latest sightings and an on-line shop where you can purchase bird reports.

Lygocoris pabulinus

The invertebrates, with the exception of certain groups of insects, are seriously under-recorded in the islands and OHBR are trying to increase the list of recorded species and improve the data on their distribution. Particular emphasis is placed on recording priority conservation species, but all invertebrate records are important.

The Outer Hebrides Lepidoptera website describes and illustrates over 562 species of moth and butterflies.

Systematic checklists of Diptera (true flies) and Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) recorded in the Outer Hebrides are available from the Biodiversity section of this website